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A Root Canal is Better Than it Sounds

You may have heard the words root canal, and instantly had anxiety, but this does not need to be the case. Root canals are an effective way to treat your tooth that may be causing you pain and discomfort. If you go to your regularly scheduled dental visits, a cavity can usually be caught early enough to help prevent a more costly bill. If the tooth is left untreated, it will start to cause you pain and may eventually turn into an abscess. This is far worse than what you might think a root canal will feel like. With the techniques and novocaine used now, you will feel next to nothing during the procedure.

What is a Root Canal?

A root canal is a treatment that is used to repair and save a tooth that has become infected or is badly decayed. During the procedure the nerve and pulp of the tooth are removed and the inside is cleaned and sealed. Without this treatment the tissue surrounding the tooth will become infected and may develop an abscess in the future. A root canal can be preformed in single or multiple visits depending on the severity of it. After the decay is removed from the tooth, a temporary or permanent filling will be used to close the tooth. It is important to remember to care for this tooth like you would the rest of your teeth. Since the nerve and blood supply to the tooth has been taken away, the tooth may become more brittle over time, resulting in a cracked or chipped tooth. You might be advised to get a crown put on depending on the placement and severity of the tooth.

Why you would need a Root Canal

In your tooth are tiny canals that contain the pulp or nerve, which originates from the pulp chamber. Any trauma or infection that occurs with the nerve will then result in the need for root canal therapy. Reasons why you would need a root canal can vary depending on the situation. If decay invades your tooth, eating through the enamel and into the pulp, you would need a root canal. Also if the decay has formed an abscess with the tooth, making it painful and hard to chew, you should make a dental visit as soon as possible. Sometimes you will need the procedure if some sort of trauma has happened to your tooth and exposed the nerve, such as a chipped or broken tooth. Also, sometimes a tooth will die slowly due to aging or a past trauma incident, and may have been fine at the time, but now would need a root canal to prevent any future problems.

How to prevent Root Canals

Helping to prevent root canals is as simple as good oral hygiene. You can take small steps now to avoid a costly bill later. By brushing at least twice a day, flossing, and by using mouthwash, you can reduce your chance of getting cavities and a root canal. Some of the reasons the nerve of the tooth becomes inflamed and infected is due to deep decay, repeated dental procedures on a tooth, or large fillings. By making sure to schedule regular dental examinations you can help to prevent this, as x-rays can determine if there are any issues that are unseen.

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